Archive for February, 2010

Federal Registry Required for MA Saltwater-Recreational Anglers as of January 1, 2010

February 28th, 2010  |  Published in Industry News by allison

fishing license

License required in 2011

In 2010, all Massachusetts Recreational Anglers, 16 years or older, must register with the National Marine Fisheries Service for a permit. This can be done online at: or by calling 888-674-7411. There is no federal fee for registering. In 2011 and beyond, all anglers will be required to apply for a recreational fishing permit issued by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. These permits will be available online or through selected retail outlets, bait and tackle stores, by mail, or in person at any Marine Fisheries office location in MA. The proposed state permit fee for 2011 is $10 for residents and non-residents alike. If you are planning a trip on a charter boat, only the charter company or head-boat operator will be required to register in 2010 and purchase a permit in 2011.

What about anglers that possess a federal permit or a Commercial license? The new regulations state: if you land fish in Massachusetts recreationally, regardless of where the fish was caught or the commercial license you hold, you’ll need the permit. The registry of active, recreational anglers will allow the Department of Marine Fisheries to collect better data and make decisions on bag limits, seasons and sizes. This new law will be enforced by the Environmental Police and the US Coast Guard, so make sure you register before going out on your first fishing trip. If you are visiting Massachusetts or are unsure if you require a permit, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Marine Fisheries ( for full regulations, information and updates.

Commercial Landing of Certain Shark Species prohibited until further notice

February 28th, 2010  |  Published in Industry News by allison



The National Marine Fisheries Service will not open the 2010 fishery for Small Coastal Sharks (SCS) until further notice.  SCS species include: Atlantic Sharpnose, Finetooth, Blacknose, and Bonnethead sharks. They are rarely found in Massachusetts waters and are found primarily in waters off the southern U.S., especially in the winter. This action is taken to support the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Coastal Shark Management Plan’s objectives to prevent unlawful landing and sale. For further information please visit

Perseverance pays off in a big way…46lbs of big!

February 6th, 2010  |  Published in Fishing Stories, Fishing Tips, Striped Bass by fred

46lb Cow

Mike with a 46lb Cow

I went fishing yesterday with my friend Mike, who boats up in Newburyport. He belongs to the Freedom Boat club so he reserved the 25ft Bluefin for a day of fishing. Mike invited one of his clients to go out with us in hopes of showing him a thing or two about fishing the Merrimack River.

We made a stop to buy some tackle, re-spool a reel and get the lowdown on what people have been catching in the river. The guys at the shop said the mackerel were still out there and the Stripers close by them. Off we went, in search of the elusive mackerel. Let’s just say, after 5 hours of trolling, jigging, and tossing a few chunks we had hooked up with one sand shark, one sculpin, sighted 3 harbor seals and a crazy bluefish swimming circles on the top water. Sunburned and exhausted, we retreated back to the river in hopes of casting to some schoolies to ease our disappointment. Read the rest of this entry »

2nd Year Wedding Anniversary gift was much better than cotton for this angler…

February 5th, 2010  |  Published in Bluefin Tuna, Fishing Stories, Fishing Tips by allison

I have been told many times I am an anomaly. And for the most part, I have to agree with pride. I like unique styles of jewelry, cake frosting from a can vs. home-made, and a special date going out with my husband would be fishing. So as our 2nd year wedding anniversary approached, my husband wanted to do something special for me to show his love. Although it wasn’t jewelry, the gift was shiny and beautiful and a gift I would always remember.

You see, we have been to numerous fishing seminars and lectures over the last few years. One seminar we took was on Blue-fin Tuna. The class was informative and scary at the same time. When you have a tuna on the line, you could literally work for hours and then lose it. Many things can go wrong. The lecturer told us you need to have a minimum of four crew members on board to properly land a tuna – one to navigate the boat, one to gaff the fish, one to handle the leader, and of course, the angler to bring the fish in. He told us many stories of anglers putting up the fight of their lives and having the line snap or the hook pull. These fish are so powerful, that they dive under the boat which causes a lot of lines to rub and snap off. The devastation in these angler’s eyes and the experience that would haunt them for years to come was a direct result of the rule of tuna fishing, “anything can go wrong”. Read the rest of this entry »

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