Archive for July, 2010

July is Hot..Hot..Hot

July 29th, 2010  |  Published in Boston Harbor, Fishing Reports by allison

The waters around Boston Harbor came alive this week. We all knew it was just a matter of time with all the large pods of bait being sighted from Egg Rock through all of Broad Sound. The inner and outer harbor was loaded with herring, pogies, mackerel, squid and butterfish. The bass were on the rampage all week with blitz activity along Revere & Winthrop beaches with loads of activity in the main channel, the backside of Spectacle Island, and all around the airport Saturday morning. At least 50 boats were in the main harbor channel, all catching bass and blues and good sized fish to boot. I was also told that Friday morning was just as crazy. The late morning action moved closer to Long Island, and at one point it looked like you could walk from Spectacle to Long Island on Bass. Your best bet this week is to watch for the birds moving the bait and cast to the edges of the schools. This seems to be where the bigger fish are during all the top water chaos. The hot lure of the week for these top water blitzes was definitely the Shad. Pearl & Mackerel were landing bass one right after the other. Another lure to try when you see the top water blitz is the casting spoons. Anglers were landing keepers with these tiny, shiny plugs.
The Niner rig, an old time favorite around Boston harbor, continued to produce this week for Bingo’s, Brian MacDonnald & crew last Sunday. 30 hookups and 5 keeper Bass were a direct result of trolling the umbrella rig slowly. Ken Streeter Sr. & Junior also seem to be on a real hot streak lately, still grabbing macks out at Graves, resulting in gear busting sized fish. Using fresh pogies also turned in some spectacular fishing for a number of anglers. Adam Sullivan of Winthrop, fished the outgoing tide using fresh pogy chunks and he and his crew landed 30 plus fish. John Miller caught a “meaty” 43 inch bass, trolling a pogy chunk north of Graves.

43 inch BassThe numbers and sizes of the Bass this week are back to weeks of previous. More reports of bigger fish versus the schoolies.  Another sea worthy catch this week goes out to George Bossell, Captain of the Micky Finn. He hooked up with a 7’ blue shark right before I started this report. He and his son Carl were Tuna fishing at the Southwest Corner. It’s not just the water that is heating up, the fishing is hot-hot-hot.

GoPogy Report – School’s Out but Schoolies are in!

July 22nd, 2010  |  Published in Boston Harbor, Fishing Reports by allison

The warming water of Boston harbor has some crying the blues.  As Bass take refuge in deeper, cooler waters, look for the stronger tides to re-invigorate the harbor with the much needed cooler temperatures needed for bigger bass. We are still getting reports of mackerel in the harbors, out at Salem Willows pier and even Hull Gut. If you are lucky enough to hook one of these bait-fish, your best bet is to run for the rocks and let them swim for their life.

Anglers have been blasting the blitz this week catching smaller stripers in the mid to upper 20’s on light tackle and spinning gear. Try throwing the traditional shads or a shallow diver when you see the birds moving the fish. The birds are still feasting on small herring giving anglers a good indication of where to drop their lines. Don’t wait too long before you get in the mix of these blitzes, they can be short and sweet – lasting only a few hours. When it does shut down, take to the flats or sandy patches to get your flounder fix. GoPogy weighed in a 2.2 pound flounder caught off of Boston Light Saturday night. Blues haven’t moved into their territory just yet, so you don’t have to go into deeper water to land that sizable flattie. Jim Soper and his mother proved this as they turned in multiple flounder after a day of fishing Deer Island. A new benefit to flounder fishing has also been taking place for a number of anglers this week…landing mackerel on the grubbed flounder rig.

We have heard good news from the lucky few that have been able to catch pogies. Slow trolling these bass magnets along the break lines will have your reels screaming for attention. Hull Gut, Quincy Bay and Graves Light are producing upper 30 inch bass with the outer Brewsters consistently turning up keepers. Shore reports have been few this week, with the largest landing going to Anthony Rosati and his sister. They landed a 34.5 inch, hefty Striper from Deer Island. Great job you two!

Hopefully next week’s theme won’t be “schoolies” but rather “hefties”.

Get out and Fish and keep the reports coming!

July 13th GoPogy Fishing Report

July 15th, 2010  |  Published in Boston Harbor, Fishing Reports, Fishing Tips by allison

Once Again I feel blessed to live on the shores of Boston Harbor and Broad Sound. Great fishing is what it’s all about and that’s exactly what took place this week. Bass and Bluefish were being taken from shore, boat and kayak during flurries of bird action in the harbor and around the inner and outer islands. Broad Sound has been a virtual bee hive of activity in the late afternoon consistently all week with huge supplies of herring, mackerel, pogies and even a few rumored schools of butterfish. It looks like the big boys are going to hang around for a while. Speaking of big boys, Mark Arsenault of Revere caught a 48” 38lb cow at Headaches Ledge live-lining mackerel, while Captain John Dommings landed a 45” 35lb bass over at Middle Ground with many bluefish catches, the largest of the bunch – a whopping 17 pounds. And if that doesn’t get the excitement flowing, it looks like the pogies are starting to move in and in good numbers. Make sure your tackle box is stocked with snag hooks. Be ready, not sorry. There are some big fish out there that are looking for some big bait.

Live bait, however, has not been the sole producer of all big catches this week. John landed a 29.9lb 42” Striper from his kayak just off of Winthrop Beach using a rubber shad. This bass was so hefty it snapped his rod right in half. It was a true fight to the finish and we want to congratulate him on his prized catch. Joe Arria had a great week trolling his 9ER rig, picking up a 35” bass and a 36” bluefish.

Striper & Bluefish Blitz

Striper & Bluefish Blitz

And the flounder haven’t retreated just yet. The bite was on this week for Jim Soper and Pat Corkum, who caught 10 keepers off of Deer Island Sunday morning. So don’t give up on these guys just yet. If you haven’t hit the flats for the flatties, get out there.

Get out and Fish!

4th of July Fishing went off with a “Bang”

July 6th, 2010  |  Published in Boston Harbor, Fishing Reports by allison

We can’t say enough about the Boston Harbor flounder fishing, so we decided to report on this fish first. They seem to be the fall-back fish of early season. Anglers targeting, but not catching bass, seem to always round out their fishing trips with some island flounder fishing to ensure their coolers don’t come back empty. Deer Island flats, Hospital Shoals, Green Island and Governor’s flats are still producing large numbers of derby sized fish. Your chances of catching these fun-tugging fish however, are lessening each week. Soon they will be retreating to deeper water and proving more of a landing challenge to anglers. Drifting sea-worms on the double-hook flounder rig with a 2-3 oz bank sinker is resulting in many fish over 16 inches.

Now let’s talk about the bait. Among reports of no more mackerel, reports of large numbers invading the outer islands came in this week. Another spot of “spotty” mackerel was Minots Ledge. Get out there early morning though before you’re dogged by Dogfish. Once they show up – your game is over. Team GoPogy snagged two large mackerel over at Deer Island flats while flounder fishing. The Esca lure rigged above the glo-worm flounder hooks secured these, proving the mackerel haven’t pushed out completely yet. Pogies are definitely here. The snagging has begun on the Winthrop side of Boston Harbor. No large numbers yet, but if you spend an hour dedicated to catching this bait, you can get just enough to land a few nice-sized bass. Eels seem to be the night-time choice of Kayakers. Fishing them live as well as dead are landing keeper fish.

Bridge fishing turned out a major success story this week for Winthrop. Bledar Naco landed a 42 inch striped-bass beauty. Bait of choice…..clams. Way to go Bledar!   Reports of multiple keepers came in this week from Danvers. Bass were enticed by the Green Mackerel & Oreo Cookie Shad Umbrella rigs. A huge Bass blitz was called in at the entrance of the North East Channel mid-week, providing excitement for over 20 boats.

Even GoPogy got in on the action this week. We married up the Esca light with the Shankas eel over at Deer Island rip and the outcome was 4 keepers, all mid-30 range…a blissful union indeed.

The fish are getting bigger and the fishing is getting even better.

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